Irian Jaya

West Papua (or Western New Guinea) informally refers to the Indonesian western half of the island of New Guinea and other smaller islands to its west. West Papua is officially known as Irian Jaya.

To experience West Papua is to discover one of the most mysterious and unknown areas of the world. This far-away island is home to the most ethnologically primitive cultures on Earth. You will find a vast display of tribes and tribal customs as well as a large variety of languages. The most important tribes are the Amungme, the Asmat, the Bauzi, the Dani, the Korowais and the Kombai.

Papua is home to an amazingly diverse flora and fauna. The immense variety is determined by the sheer variety of ecosystems present: from shallow coral reefs, through coastal swamps, altitudinally differing rainforest and heigths rising to alpine glaciers.

Many parts of West Papua still remain largely unexplored. The tall mountains in West Papua (Irian Jaya) were generally considered as uninhabited. For example, it has only been around 60 years since the outside world fell upon the tribes that inhabit the Baliem Valley in West Papua. The Korowai tribes were only discovered 25 years ago and other areas remain completely unexplored.

We will make you discover and explore these primitive lands. This will represent a unique and unforgettable human experience.

Irian Jaya remains one of the most fascinating places on the planet, where man may confront it its prehistoric past. You will never forget the wild beauty of the island and its remarkable people.
West Papua

Baliem Valley (West Papua)